Serving California Residents with HIPAA-secure Video Therapy
Lisa S. Larsen, PsyD (CA Lic.# PSY19046)
Mailing address: 3123 W. Ave. L 8, Lancaster, CA 93536
Phone: 661-233-6771
Guided meditations and other recordings to help you with trauma, stress, and grief
​Dealing with grief, trauma, stress, and relationship problems can take its toll on you. They can make you feel lost, anxious, and afraid to pay attention to your inner world. These recordings will help you understand your inner world better, as well as sleep better and feel more at peace. They are reasonably priced, downloadable, and can be enjoyed on any compatible electronic device. Please do not listen to the guided meditations when you are driving or operating anything that requires your full, conscious attention. These recordings are not meant to replace medical or psychological treatment; instead they are intended to enhance your sense of wellness and enjoyment of life.