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LGBTQ-Affirming Therapist

Rejection, bullying, discrimination, and harassment all add to your stress; this is referred to as minority stress. Your being LGBTQ+ isn't unhealthy. What's wrong is being treated poorly because of your sexual orientation or gender identity. This can create isolation and withdrawal from others, which can negatively impact your mental and physical wellness.


You might develop PTSD, depression, anxiety, or prolonged grief, and need help feeling like your usual fantastic self. You need a therapist who has experience, empathy and training in helping you navigate life's stress.

I started as a therapist in the San Francisco Bay Area, so I have worked with many people who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning. I have also worked with people in non-traditional relationships in the kink, BDSM, and polyamorous communities. Exposure, compassion, and experience helped me become an LGBT+ friendly therapist. There was less discrimination in the SF Bay Area, yet I know that there is still discrimination everywhere. It hurts my heart to see how it impacts LGBTQ+ adolescents and adults. I have been working with LGBTQ+ individuals for years, and I love serving this community.

pride celebrants embracing by Jana Sabeth

I live in the Antelope Valley, where many young people struggle to be accepted by their families, friends, and community. Rejection often results in grief from lost relationships with loved ones and alienation from your family and community. Bullying, microaggressions, and harassment often lead to traumatic stress as well.

If you identify as LGBTQ+, this is a safe space for you to deal with your grief, trauma, anxiety, depression, and low self esteem. I feel honored to be a refuge for you. I want to help you love yourself and others regardless of what anyone else says or does.

I am not queer-identified. However, I am an affirming ally who can help you cope with issues like family rejection, homophobia, transphobia, identity issues, bullying, nontraditional families, harassment, and interpersonal violence. LGBTQ+ clients have told me that they appreciate how open and frank they can be with me about personal aspects of their lives. When you feel free to express yourself, you can heal faster. You are not so invested in having to hide or defend yourself from stigma. Every person deserves the right to love themselves unconditionally and enjoy life. I look forward to helping you to achieve that.  

If you need a therapist who is LGBTQ-affirming, compassionate and experienced, please call or click on the box below.

Let no one diminish you; you are loveable just as you are!

Learn more about how LGBTQ+ minority stress it affects you

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